Forgiveness is a process. It takes Time. And it starts with us.
Do you struggle to let go past hurts?
Would you like to be free of the burdens of the past
but simply don’t know how to go about it?
Extending forgiveness is one of the hardest things we
can do, but it is absolutely essential for our mental, emotional, and spiritual
well-being and growth.
There is no question that forgiving can be hard.
Complete, unconditional forgiveness is harder — sometimes even impossible — to
Many people are afraid to forgive simply because somehow
they feel they must remember the wrong, the hurt, and the pain they experienced
in order to learn and retain the lessons from these. This is utter nonsense.
You can remember the lessons without having to hang on to the wrong done to you
or to constantly suffer from recalling the agony you felt at the time and
Another thing that makes forgiving difficult is that,
for some inexplicable reason, many people find it far easier to forgive others
when they are wrong than when they are right. This human inclination, some say
it is human nature, makes jumping onto the forgiveness road even more
Probably the biggest obstacles to forgiving are the
many unconscious false beliefs we have about forgiveness and what forgiving
truly means. Deciding how and when to forgive inevitably means uncovering and discrediting
these false beliefs ingrained within ourselves.
If you are struggling to forgive, one or more of the
following commonly held misconceptions about forgiveness may be holding you
- The other person must ask for forgiveness first before you should grant forgiveness.
- Complete forgiveness requires or mandates full reconciliation.
- Forgiveness means granting approval of unacceptable behavior.
- Forgiveness will help you forget.
There is no doubt that forgiveness is a highly emotional topic and one that many struggle with. In face, we all struggle with forgiveness at various points during our life journeys.
This is why we published our book Project You: Forgiveness Words of Wisdom. This book provides tips, hints, and motivational quotes on overcoming the main obstacles to forgiveness (such as the misconceptions above).
And this is why we have made our book is FREE today and tomorrow in the Kindle store: It is also available in paperback.
We want to help make the forthcoming holiday season one of forgiveness and peacefulness. You can help by letting others know to download their free copy of Project You: Forgiveness Words of Wisdom in the Kindle store now.
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