Sunday, July 2, 2017

Mid-Year Resolutions | #MidYearResolutions

Re-Ignite Your Personal and Professional Development Goals

Welcome to the midpoint of 2017. Yep, the year is officially half over.

What’s happened to those New Year’s Resolutions you made a short six months ago? How many are on track? How many have you abandoned?

If you are disappointed in the answers to these questions, don’t be dismayed. Did you know that the failure rate of New Year’s Resolutions is over 80%. In fact, research shows that over 50% of all New Year’s Resolutions have been dropped by mid year.

Most people will wait until the beginning of the next new year to set personal resolutions and goals, simply because there is no social protocol suggesting they do otherwise. You can change this for yourself, as this video explains: 

Help us make Mid-Year Resolutions a new ritual by sharing this blog and the above video with your family and friends.

As for yourself (and them as well), we have two free articles on the Living A Determined Life website to help in making Mid-Year Resolutions:


These two articles, combined with the Personal Change Action Plan tool that you will also find on our website, will help you kick-start your personal growth and self-development. They will also help you get those New Year’s Resolutions back on track, provided they are still relevant and meaningful to you.

Help spread the word with hashtag #MidYearResolutions.

Together we can help others also achieve their personal development goals. Now isn’t that a positive way to start the second half of the year?

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