Wednesday, July 5, 2017

Mid-Year Resolutions. Now's the Time. | #MidYearResolutions

30-60-90 Day Personal Improvement Action Plan

Research shows that by the middle of the year over 50% of all New Year’s Resolutions have been dropped.

In our last two blog posts we have shared with you some of the main reasons why personal change initiatives fail, as well as the 7 Key Success Factors for Implementing Personal Change.

Today we are giving you one more tool:  the Living A Determined Life 30-60-90 Day Personal Change Action Plan. This is an easy-to-use template for any personal change, personal development, or self-improvement initiative.

The majority of people will wait another six months to set new personal resolutions and goals. Mostly this is because there is no social protocol or push to do otherwise. You can change this for yourself. Here’s a short video on why it is important to make your Mid-Year Resolutions now: 

Let’s make Mid-Year Resolutions a new ritual by sharing this post and the above video with your friends and family.

And, to help get some momentum behind your own Mid-Year Resolutions, here are two free articles on the Living A Determined Life website to help you create and achieve the personal improvement you desire:

Please help spread the word with hashtag #MidYearResolutions. Together we can help others achieve their personal development goals.

Mid-Year Resolutions. Such a positive and powerful way to being the second half of the year. 

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