Sunday, November 23, 2014

Consciously Living Your Values

Your Inner Spirit Will Let You Know When You Act Against Your Values

Whenever you take action or make decisions that are not in alignment with your values, three things happen almost automatically:
                  1)            Your self-doubt escalates.
                 2)            Your confidence level drops.
                 3)            The criticisms of others have an air of truth about them.

In fact, the criticisms of others will sting sharply, because deep inside your spirit is being pinged by the error of your ways. 
Even though the "mental you" and the "emotional you" may not admit or accept your spiritual reaction, your body will receive signals from your soul that something is not right (often a gut feeling, clammy hands, or a sense of anxiety). 
Unfortunately, due to ego-led stubbornness or a false sense of self confidence created by talking to yourself, you may try to override your spiritual sensations by trying to rationalize or justify your misguided action or decision. 
Trying to convince yourself to ignore the signals of your spirit is most assuredly a sign that you actions or decisions are not in alignment with your core values.

Consciously living your values, on the other hand, will result in a more rewarding life. 
As author Ayn Rand said, "Happiness is that state of consciousness which proceeds from the achievement of one's values." 

This article is partially excerpted from Project You: Living A Determined Life, which is available in paperback and eBook formats at Amazon.

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